Frequent questions

What is ModularMind?

ModularMind® is a unique experience of self-discovery, reprogramming and personal transformation. Using the transmission of sound waves and energetic and vibrational coding technology, our technology aims to induce belief systems in your subconscious mind aligned with your future projection.

Your beliefs shape your reality.
“If it enters your mind, it enters your world.”

How do we achieve it?

There are various techniques and approaches to carry out change in personal restructuring and transformation, but so far, none like ours.

Our science and application is based on two principles:

✦ Sensory Resonance.
✦ Sensory Induction.

These principles demonstrate that the connection that consciousness has with the internal or external environment is through sensory receptors and the electrical synchronization of brain waves.

What is Sensory Resonance?

Sensory Resonance is a phenomenon that occurs when the senses, breathing, heart rate and brain coherence (electrical activation of brain waves in both cerebral hemispheres) are synchronized through external stimuli such as music, sounds, light. , colors or textures, or a combination of them.

In this sensory modality, an energetic connection (resonance) is established to integrate and perceive responses in the form of messages, ideas, revelations and/or synchronicities.

To achieve this, our audios are designed to provide a state of relaxation and subconscious induction.

Sensory resonance can cause sensations of pleasure, relaxation, excitement or even amazement.

What is Sensory Induction?

Sensory induction is a technique used in hypnosis and other therapies to provoke a state of deep relaxation and improve the receptive capacity to subliminal suggestions, which aim to reinforce, strengthen or enhance a desired behavior, attitude or skill.

Our technique incorporates the excitation of brain waves, in order to provoke a specific response in the mind and behavior of the listener ; depending on the selected program and its specific objectives to be programmed.

Our audios have the ability to program, focus, generate and synchronize any type of vibrational programming.

By synchronizing with the desired brain frequencies, measurable states of relaxation are achieved in the Alpha, Delta and Theta hypnotic phase to influence the subconscious mind.

During this process, the listener can be helped to overcome fears, addictions, emotional disorders and modify limiting beliefs; reinterpreting past events from a conscious perspective.

How does the effect of energy resonance occur?

“Resonance is when the internal vibration of one thing is in harmony with the vibration of another.” - Paramahansa Yogananda (1893 - 1952)

This phenomenon occurs when two or more objects, systems or bodies have the same natural frequency of vibration, that is, they vibrate at the same speed or frequency and can interact in a special way. This interaction allows energy to be transferred between them efficiently.

✦ Equal vibrations coincide. Like attracts like.

Let us only attract into our lives that which is in energetic resonance with ourselves. This means that each individual coincides and resonates with people, events and places that are at a level of consciousness and vibration similar to theirs.

This universal principle acts regardless of whether the person is aware of it or not.

When our thoughts, emotions, and words (propagation of energy waves) work together in resonance, a synchronization is established that can affect the reality we experience.
This is because the energy waves emitted by our thoughts, emotions and words interact with the energy field around us, creating a vibration that can attract events and circumstances into our lives.

What is the Reticular Activating System (RAS) and why is it so important?

The Reticular Activating System (RAS) is a group of neuronal structures located in the brain stem, which receives information from sensory receptors. The better the information is filtered and integrated , the better it will be reflected in your reality.

✦ What you are looking for finds you…

How many times has it happened to you that something comes into your attention and you start seeing it everywhere?

For example, do you want to purchase an object and suddenly you see it all the time?

Paying attention to something consciously or unconsciously influences its appearance in our reality. Our perception and meaning of things are fundamental. The subconscious does not make distinctions, so what you focus your attention on, whether positive or negative, will manifest in your mind and therefore on the outside.

The SAR obtains all the information from the network of sensory receptors present in the skin, nasal passages, eardrum, retina and tongue. Consciousness exists in both the "membrane" and the brain. Sensory mechanisms are the only connection between consciousness and the internal and external environment, which is why they are key in the study and transformation of consciousness.

ModularMind® develops technologies based on sensory resonance. These technologies stimulate brain waves and use vibrational programming to deliver key information to internal receptors. This allows the SAR to filter and reflect the desired events in reality.

How can these audios help me?

Each of our hearing programs are designed to enhance your personal development in multiple key areas, influencing your thought patterns, emotions and behaviors:

1. Change of Limiting Beliefs :
Our programs focus on modifying limiting beliefs rooted in the subconscious mind.

These beliefs can be negative or self-destructive, such as “I'm not good enough” or “I don't deserve success.”

By listening to these audios, we seek to replace those beliefs with more positive and constructive thoughts.

2. Reprogramming of the Subconscious:
The subconscious mind stores thought patterns and habits that influence your daily actions.

Each of our hearing programs work to change these subconscious patterns, allowing you to adopt new perspectives and behaviors, which address areas such as: self-esteem, confidence, new habits, relationships, worthiness, gratitude, energetic restructuring, well-being and more.

3. Autosuggestion:
The subconscious mind responds to the constant repetition of these statements, which strengthens autosuggestion and belief in the desired change.

4. Relaxation and Stress Reduction:
By listening to them, stress and anxiety are reduced, making it easier to open up to new ideas and changes.

5. Consistency and Persistence :
Listening to them for a long period of time (such as 21 consecutive days) allows the new patterns to become ingrained in the subconscious.

How can I expect this to be different for me?

Most reprogramming techniques do not address, or ignore, the fact that to achieve a change in the perception of reality, the following factors must be taken into account:

✦ 1. Your mind will subconsciously shape the image of how you see yourself. It is not enough if you consciously propose something. Conscious decisions will never dominate your subconscious. This is why people often change for a while and then are forced to return to their path.

To do this we first have to observe, adjust and redefine that version of ourselves (self-concept) that is leading us to obtain the results that we repeat and no longer desire.

The image of yourself acts like mental software . You automatically operate according to the shape of your self-image.

✦ 2. To achieve a transition we first have to transmute the energy in the mental body and the energy field.

Let us remember that the subconscious mind responds to stimuli such as suggestion, repetition, beliefs, the environment and new experiences.

Why can't I hear the messages?

These messages are induced through a unique technique that combines phase cancellation in the amplitude of its waveforms, sound synthesis, binaural beat synchronization and frequencies specifically altered to be imperceptible to the conscious mind. This allows for better relaxation, integration and emotional-cognitive coupling.

It is important to highlight that, if the messages were audible, conscious perception would modulate the brain activation of Beta Waves into greater activity (resolution phase).

With our audios, we want each person to be able to listen to their programming as many times as they want and always be able to experience new sensations.

How many audios can I be using at the same time?

Our technology shortens the time needed for integration and coupling, enhancing your ability to co-create and attract the experiences you want.

We recommend listening to up to 2 programs simultaneously. Each program must be used consistently for a period of 21 to 33 days. However, some people may need a little more time because we all have uniquely ingrained subconscious blocks.

Each of these programs has been designed in a modular way and are interconnected to address specific aspects of your life.

How soon will I see results?

Some people have experienced results almost immediately. The mentality of each individual is unique.

Repetition and consistency are the main rules in mental reprogramming.

The actions and habits you take during your life determine your reality. This point is very important, since we cannot force anyone to be constant.

Since the results are cumulative, we encourage you to create the habit of recreating your connection ritual; a daily moment to be with you and listen to your auditory programming in a comfortable and relaxed environment.

Remember that each person's path is different. Although you may not notice results immediately, if you persist and stick with it, you will come to understand the true power of this practice.

Our programs are complemented by written and creative activities, contact with nature, programming drinking water and energy management through your hands, thought and your intention, and mindfulness practices.

How is my information protected?

We protect your personal information through the implementation of SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption.

When we send your programming to the email provided, all your personal data is immediately deleted from our server.

Please see our privacy notice for more information.

Can it be used by all ages?

We are all energy therefore we are receptive to the energetic frequencies around us. If these frequencies are intentional and directed, we can ensure that they will have effects on anyone.

Are there any side effects?

The use of our hearing technologies is completely safe and there are no side effects since we use non-invasive brain stimulation.


1. Make sure that neither you nor anyone else who will use the audios suffers from seizures, epilepsy, uses a pacemaker, suffers from cardiac arrhythmia or other heart disorders, or is currently taking stimulants, tranquilizers or psychotropic medications. This specifically includes alcohol or drugs.

2. Use comfortable, good quality headphones at a moderate volume.

3. DECODE audio should not be used during the first trimester of pregnancy. We recommend that you consult your doctor, since our products are not intended to replace any medical or psychological treatment, but rather to complement it.

For more information, please review our terms and conditions section.


Energy alchemy: Focuses on the transformation of internal and external energy to achieve balance and harmony at all levels of the being: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
Energy alchemy is based on meditation, visualization techniques, conscious breathing control and energy management through the hands, thought and intention.

Cymatics: It is the study of visible sound, that is, the effect caused by vibrations or sound waves on matter. This discipline has interesting applications in various areas, such as acoustics, music and medicine.

Conviction: It is the firm and deep belief that a person has about something, whether it is an idea, principle, value or judgment and influences the way in which they perceive the world, make decisions and act. Beliefs can be shaped by various influences, such as education, experience, family values, culture, and personal beliefs.

Open Approach: It is a mental training technique designed to promote deep relaxation and mindfulness. It focuses on cultivating conscious and open attention. It was developed by psychologist and neurophysiologist Les Fehmi, who is recognized for his research on attention and brain function.

Law of Resonance: It is based on the principle that similar vibrations and frequencies tend to encounter and affect each other. According to this principle, when two objects or systems come into resonance, that is, they synchronize, they can amplify and strengthen their energy together.

The law of resonance also applies in the field of attraction and the manifestation of desires. From this perspective, by maintaining positive thoughts, emotions, and energies in line with what we desire, we will attract and manifest those experiences in our lives. Likewise, if we hold negative or limiting thoughts and emotions, we will attract more negative situations.

The law of resonance suggests that our vibrations and energies have an impact on what we attract and manifest in our lives, whether on a physical, mental, emotional or spiritual level. By focusing on positive vibrations aligned with our desires, we can influence our reality and attract experiences consistent with those vibrations.

Psychic Abilities:
Also known as extrasensory abilities, they refer to the ability to perceive, feel or experience phenomena beyond the five traditional senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch). These abilities are associated with the perception of information through unconventional means, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition or psychokinesis.

It is important to note that the existence and nature of these abilities are controversial topics. However, this controversy does not invalidate their possible existence, but rather highlights the need for deeper research and understanding to clarify these phenomena.

Neurolinguistic Programming: The study of sensory awareness is called neurolinguistic programming. Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) is a psychological and communication approach that focuses on how to change a person's thoughts and habits to make them fruitful through perception, behavior and communication techniques.

Internal receptors: Also called sensory receptors, they are neuronal endings that are distributed throughout the organism, in all organs and tissues, capturing information about the physiological state of the living being at all times.

Synesthesia: Synesthesia is a neurological phenomenon in which a mixture of the senses occurs. People who experience synesthesia can perceive sensory stimulation in one sense and experience a response in another sense automatically and consistently. For example, a synesthetic person can see colors when listening to music, link smells with emotions, perceive flavors with light, or associate numbers with different colors, etc.

Synesthesia is a rare condition and varies from person to person. Brain coherence harmonizes the mind into a state of "integral" experience, freeing the brain from the need to analyze sensory information. The more sensory mechanisms come into coherent relationship, the more available these higher mental states will be.

Some people find synesthesia fascinating and see it as a unique quality that enriches their perception and creativity. Many synesthetic artists, musicians, and writers have used their sensory experience to create unique and original works.

Telepathic Energy Transfer: The electrical nature of the brain allows not only the sending of signals, but also the reception of electrical pulses that are encoded in artificial language, verbal and non-verbal.