Nuestra misión es proporcionarte herramientas innovadoras para transformar tu mentalidad y crear la vida que deseas

Neuroprogramación vibracional y energética en audios digitales



Wherever you are in the world, I thank you infinitely for opening yourself up to receive this information. My name is Honorato and I welcome you to ModularMind®.

As a co-founder of this exciting project, I want to share with you how energy and vibrational coding technology has helped me reprogram my life vision and how I intend to bring these powerful tools to you so you can begin to transform yours.

The power implicit in sound, the amazement of the visible and non-visible world in vibrations and a set of sensitive experiences led me to meet with wonderful people to create this model of mental restructuring, development and reprogramming.

In collaboration with energy therapists, clinical researchers and patients, we have worked on hundreds of cases of experimentation and research in psychoacoustics and subliminal suggestion. This has allowed us to develop modular programs that promote positive disintegration, well-being, growth and personal transformation.


ModularMind® was born as an interdisciplinary project for complex times that require an awakening of our consciousness: RETURN TO OUR INSIDE.

Life circumstances often cause us states of overload that negatively influence our physical and mental landscape. When these states last over time, we become anchored in stress, fears, anxieties, depression and illnesses, preventing us from appreciating the present and projecting ourselves into the future we want.

However, it is in our hands to choose and create tomorrow's opportunities today. We can reprogram the mind and body to experience the infinite possibilities of our being.

Sound & Consciousness

My development and contribution as co-creator of this beautiful project arises from my curiosity about the world of sound; the emotions and energies that flow from my body as I not only listen to, but also feel, see, smell, and even taste the music.

Music in its simplest form is vibration; It is transmission of energy that generates and activates electromagnetic fields by resonating and entering our physical, emotional, mental and subtle bodies.

We are multidimensional beings, pure consciousness in a mental and spiritual universe. We are matter, but also, we are frequency and energy.

Allow sound to connect you and tune into a world of infinite possibilities.
All paths are within you. We are happy to be able to serve you.

Start seeing with different eyes: through Your best version.

Thank you so much.
Honorato Ortiz P.

honorato ortiz biografía


Honorato Ortiz

・Audio Engineering, SAE Institute, London.
・Music Production, SAE Institute, Madrid.
・Logic Pro X, Level 1 & 2 Apple Certified Pro Applications.
・Emotion Management with Music.

Audio engineer, researcher and creator of multi-sensory experiences through listening sessions with various means of sound reproduction that include systems with high-fidelity speakers and electronics, immersive headphones, stimulation with pulsating light and vibration devices to immerse the listener in a unique sound world.

His work goes beyond entertainment, as it also explores the relationship between sound, human consciousness and the flow of energies in meditative practices.

Sound is more than a tool to create exciting experiences. For those seeking transformative and profound experiences, Honorato shows a part of his synesthetic vision through ModularMind®.

campo magnético con vibraciones para lograr estas de expansión



We know that a focused mental attitude is crucial to achieving goals and objectives. For this reason, each of the programs has been designed to provoke specific responses in the minds and behavior of those who listen to them.

transformación interior como es adentro es afuera



We encourage open-mindedness and the capacity for wonder. We strive to always be learning and asking new questions. This is how our team stays ahead of the innovation curve.

We value transparency, authenticity and responsibility in our communications and services.

We are a self-starting team who love to delve into deep questions. We are motivated by difficult challenges and exceeding our own expectations.

Our number 1 priority is the personal growth and transformation of ourselves and the members of our community. This is a guideline that guides all our activities.

We approach our business with an abundance mentality. We make the pie bigger instead of competing for a slice. This perspective applies to relationships with partners, competitors and collaborators.

procesos de manifestación modularmind

If I enter your mind

Enter your world

At ModularMind® we promote the process of creating and materializing your desires through your thoughts, expressions and actions.

Every human brain is a transmission and reception station for the vibration of thought.