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The Power of Sound: Exploring its Influence on the Mind and Body

Sound has the ability to influence our minds and bodies in surprising ways. Sound goes beyond simply being a vibration that propagates through air, water or solid matter.

"Sound is transmission of information and energy that generates and activates electromagnetic fields by entering and resonating our physical, emotional, mental and subtle bodies."

Our technology:

✅ What are Binaural Sounds?

Binaural sounds are a form of auditory stimulation that involves presenting two different sounds or tones to each ear. These tones contain slightly different specific frequencies, and when heard simultaneously, the brain processes the difference between them. This phenomenon is known as "binaural beat."

✅ What are isochronic tones?

Isochronic tones involve hearing sounds or tones that have a constant, uniform frequency.
These tones are generated by specialized software programs designed to create pulses of sound at regular intervals . The idea behind isochronic tones is that by listening to these repetitive sounds at a specific frequency, the brain can synchronize to that frequency and enter a particular brain wave state.

✅ Subliminal Messages + Multisensory Integration

Subliminal messages are auditory stimuli that are presented below the threshold of conscious perception, that is, they are potentiating statements that are not consciously perceived by the person who receives them, but are captured by the subconscious mind.

Our technique influences various mental and emotional processes depending on the chosen program, managing to modify limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns with others that are more positive, focused and aligned with the goals and desires of the listener.

In this way, through a unique combination of frequencies and sounds, it is possible to direct the subconscious induction precisely and it is possible to stimulate different energy points in the human body, which are the channels of manifestation, as well as its functions and capabilities. .

✅ Interaction with Brain Waves


 Delta. (0.5 - 4Hz)
- Deep sleep
- Regeneration of vital energy
Theta. (4 - 8Hz)
- REM sleep phases
- Daydreams
- Deep meditation
Alpha. (8 -12Hz)
- Creative visualization
- Programming (Door to the subconscious)
- Body-mind integration

Low Beta. (12 - 15Hz)
- Calm state
Beta. (15 -22Hz)
- Active/alert status
- Resolution
High Beta. (22-40Hz)
- Anxious mind
- Complex thoughts
Gamma. (40Hz - 200Hz)
- High cognitive levels
- Virtue
- Memory

✅ Therapeutic Applications

Scientific literature suggests that certain sounds may have therapeutic potential in neurology and psychophysiology. Some findings include: reduced anxiety and stress, improved attention and concentration, and stimulation of the brain's electrical activity.

Vibration and sound influence matter and the resonance of the human body in various ways.

Coherent sound harmonizes cellular function and promotes homeostasis in biological systems. In addition to calming the body and mind, it has emotional effects that influence neurotransmitters and neuropeptides, thus helping to regulate the immune system and trigger powerful changes at the cellular and cognitive level.

Whether audible or inaudible, sound is a fundamental component of our lives. Our brains are interconnected to adapt immediately to sound stimuli , thus influencing our action responses (kinesthetic intelligence).



There is a direct relationship between sound and language: transmission and communication.

In the fifth month of gestation, the auditory system is already practically formed. We learn to listen before seeing, smelling and touching for the first time when we are still in the womb, receiving internal and external stimuli through the sounds that reach the placenta.


Resonance and Synchronization:

Resonance is a phenomenon associated with mechanical, sound and electromagnetic waves, which occurs when two or more bodies, objects or systems share the same natural frequency of vibration, that is, they vibrate at the same speed or frequency and can interact in a different way. special.

This interaction allows energy to be transferred between them efficiently. The concept of resonance is used in our sound therapy.

Our bodies, like all matter, are energetic vibrations; Our tissues are made up of cells that vibrate as part of their metabolic function. If there is a phase shift in the internal vibration, interference (non-harmonic or coherent vibration) may occur.

In 2002, Professor James Gimzewski of UCLA, together with Dr. Andrew Pelling, discovered that cells make different sounds. These vibrations could be evaluated to distinguish between healthy cells and cancer cells. The irregular vibrations of cancer cells could be easily distinguished from the regular vibrations of healthy cells.

The idea behind stimulation through sound is that weak or unhealthy vibration can be modified through vibration patterns (synchrony) to become more intense and harmonious. In a meditation session with ModularMind® audios, the body is exposed to a wide range of frequencies produced by different coherent sounds. Although there are various theories about which vibrations are most suitable for each part of the body, scientific research is beginning to confirm the ways in which resonance and sound vibrations can be used to realign damaged tissue (acoustics in biomedical engineering) and rebalance the energy systems (soundhealing*) DECODE.

We will address this concept in depth in the next post on our blog, Cymatics: Research and Science.





Research in psychoacoustics has shown that "sound can have a significant impact on the emotional and mental well-being of individuals, including influencing the release of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine" (Rauscher, Shaw, & Ky, 1993).

Resonant systems can absorb energy from an external source much more efficiently when their natural frequency of vibration matches the frequency of the source" (Resnick, Halliday, & Krane, 2013).
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